On this website you will find up-to-date information about Diamond Head Land Company’s Official Community Plan Amendment Application. The application is to facilitate the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for the area referred to as North Crumpit.
On Wednesday June 8, 2022, the project team hosted two public information meetings to present the Neighbourhood Plan Options. These Neighbourhood Plan Options have been informed by site analysis, technical findings, market research, as well as input from the community and District Staff.
Both meetings covered the same content and included a live presentation followed by a live Q&A and breakout discussion groups. A recording of the presentation and Q&A as well as a downloadable PDF of the presentation material are available below.
The feedback form has now closed.
Please email connect@northcrumpit.com if you have any questions.
If you missed any previous engagement events and would like to review past material, please visit our engagement page here.

In January 2021, Diamond Head Land Company submitted an Official Community Plan Amendment application to the District of Squamish to facilitate the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for the area referred to as North Crumpit. As part of the planning for the North Crumpit Neighbourhood Plan, the District of Squamish and Diamond Head Land Company agreed on a ten-step process.
The initial stages began with compiling background information, obtaining technical reporting and initial public engagement for the District's review. Since then, we have been working on the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan options which will be presented at a public information meeting on June 8, 2022.

North Crumpit is approximately 255 acres (103 hectares) in size, and is located north of the existing Valleycliffe Neighbourhood, east of Smoke Bluffs Park, and adjacent to two Squamish Nation land holdings.
It is essential that the Squamish Nation and Tsleil Waututh Nation have ongoing input into the Neighbourhood Plan, considering economic, cultural, historic, environmental, rights and title, and an array of other interests within the Nation’s unceded Traditional Territory.

Diamond Head Land Company has submitted an application to the District of Squamish for an Official Community Plan amendment to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for the North Crumpit lands. The plan will be prepared in accordance with the District of Squamish’s Official Community Plan Bylaw 2500, 2017, and the final document will be become a schedule of the Official Community Plan.
An overview of the proposed North Crumpit Neighbourhood Planning Process, staff reports, and other information are outlined on the District of Squamish’s Website here.
Adopted in 2018, Squamish’s Official Community Plan (OCP) establishes a clear but flexible framework to guide positive change, community growth, and public benefits throughout the District. Within the OCP, the North Crumpit Lands are designated as “Residential Neighbourhood” which is intended to accommodate residential growth for Squamish. The subject lands also fall within the Growth Management Boundary and have been identified as an area that must complete a Sub Area Plan (Neighbourhood Plan) that meets the OCPs objectives, directions, and policies.
Read more about the District OCP below.

A Neighbourhood Plan is intended to align with the policies of a municipality’s Official Community Plan while providing additional details surrounding future land use, densities, public spaces, and community amenities for the area covered by the Plan. Development of a Neighbourhood Plan requires detailed technical studies, First Nations engagement, public and interest group engagement, and District of Squamish review and approval. The Neighbourhood Plan will require a statutory Public Hearing.
Public engagement is an important input that will inform the Neighbourhood Plan. The planning process has only recently commenced, and will include an extensive public engagement program. There will be many opportunities for the community to be involved in shaping the North Crumpit neighbourhood throughout various stages of the planning process. If you would like to participate or be notified of engagement opportunities, please sign up through the link below.
To guide the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan, the North Crumpit Project Team has developed a set of principles that are informed by input from the community survey, OCP objectives, District input, and landowner aspirations.

Work with nature to conserve ecological integrity, create a public network of parks and trails, and celebrate the natural environment.

Live Local to foster a vibrant, economically sound community and celebrate local art and culture.

Live Lightly to design compact, walkable neighbourhoods, plan for alternative more sustainable modes of transportation, and employ green infrastructure.
North Crumpit and the surrounding lands have undergone significant change since the 1800s.

* Click on the image to magnify
In addition to the guiding principles, the North Crumpit project team has been working collectively to gather information to better understand the North Crumpit Land. This includes site analysis, technical findings, opportunities and constraints mapping and development potential. Results from each of the studies completed have been complied and areas have been identified by various levels of constraints.
*Additional details about the site analysis, technical findings, and opportunities and constraints mapping are available on “Engagement Page” of this website. There you can download a PDF package of the presentation provided on October 13, 2021 which includes each of these maps.

On July 8, 2022, the project team hosted two Public Information Meetings. If you were unable to attend these meetings, a recording of the presentation can be found on the Engagement Page.
On July 26, 2022, the Neighbourhood Plan options and a summary of the feedback we've heard to-date will be presented to District of Squamish Council.
As we continue to work through the Neighbourhood Plan process, additional feedback and questions are always welcome. You can connect with the team by emailing connect@northcrumpit.com or by leaving a live comment.
Based in Squamish, Diamond Head Land Company Ltd. is the father-daughter team of Bob and Amy Fast. Diamond Head Land Company previously developed the Crumpit Woods neighbourhood and has owned the lands that include Crumpit Woods and North Crumpit since 2001.
Both Bob and Amy Fast are residents of Squamish and have been active volunteers in the community for several years. Bob as a long-time member of the Squamish Rotary Club and Amy as a member of the Squamish Days Loggers Sports Festival Committee. They both find a lot of joy in giving back and getting involved in what the community has to offer.
Disclaimer: this website has been developed by DHLC and members of the project team. It is not affiliated with the District of Squamish. Information collected will be used to inform a Neighbourhood Plan for North Crumpit, however, individual’s privacy will be maintained.